Help us help others

Many opportunities await individuals who enjoy assisting others. Contact VIC to join a group of enthusiastic volunteers with a mission to support people who are blind or visually impaired.

Your tax-deductible donation makes these vital programs and services available. Any amount is appreciated.

Please make your check payable to VIC and mail to:

Vision for Independence Center
P.O. Box 2833
Yakima, Washington 98907


A key to the success of any non-profit organization is the strength of its volunteers. VIC is fortunate to have loyal volunteers, however, we do find ourselves in need of additional personnel as we work to expand our services. We work with RSVP, the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program. Designed for people 55 or older, RSVP volunteers serve nonprofit private and public community organizations.

At present, VIC is in need of Greeters to volunteer on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 9:00 am-4:00 pm, for either the morning or afternoon shift. This person greets the patient and interviews them, reviewing their health and vision history with them. Interested individuals should contact the VIC Clinic Director.

VIC board members alone would not be able to operate the low vision clinic and its store. Therefore, the board is very thankful to all the wonderful, hard working and committed volunteers who lend us their talents and time. These volunteers perform such important tasks as doing the intake interviews with patients and scheduling appointments, checking our message phone line, greeting patients at the low vision clinic, staffing the store, ordering items for patients and the store, medical billing, marketing and fundraising.

Our Generous Supporters

Our original website was developed due to a generous grant from the Northwest Lions Foundation.